Friday, December 24, 2010

Hi, remember me?

Hi, remember me? I am the girl who is running, no, walking a half marathon in 2 months. Lord help me.

I haven't gotten a training session in this week. I walked earlier this week and felt so good afterward but with Christmas coming and holiday prep, I haven't made the time. It's back on the saddle going forward. I want to complete this race. I am trying to vision myself with a Mickey medal around my neck, crying tears of joy. Being picked up by the van for being slow is not on my agenda.

Well, it's Christmas Eve and I am sipping a cup of butter toffee coffee I made with my new Keurig machine. A big thank you to my in-laws for this wonderful machine. My hubby isn't as impressed but I am loving it!!! In a little while, I will get ready for church. I am reading at the 3pm service and don't know what I am going to wear! I don't really have any festive (meaning Christmas-like) clothes.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's Like Riding a Bicycle

So I took some time off. I bought new inserts for my shoes and it did seem to help. I am using Superfeet Berry inserts. They added a lot of support that I was lacking. My left foot was completely happy. My right foot, well, not so much. There is no pleasing the right foot, I tell you.

Running tonight was like riding a bicycle. I was ready to puke and give up pretty early on. But I pushed through, despite a few tears. I felt like a rock star by the end and cranked up the speed on the treadmill for the last run. It was awesome. It totally renewed my resolve to cross that finish line in February.